Rick Mather Architects. Now and Zen, London.
Now and Zen restaurant was located in Upper St. Martins Lane, London. It was designed by Rick Mather Architects based in Camden, London. The design team and Shop-fitters, Pat Carter, were given 3 months to complete the work, an incredibly ambitious program requirement by the client.
The Project introduced new architectural glass concepts for both all-glass front elevation, all-glass revolving door, and all-glass external floor to the entrance, high lighting a linking bridge from pavement to restaurant. In addition a remarkable waterfall fountain was designed, using specially made large glass bowls connected with glass tubes and hung from steel cables, to cascade from high in the back of the space and sweep down through an opening in the ground floor to the basement restaurant, opening up and connecting all three levels of dinners, enjoying the space, the sound and the light. flowing water is considered Lucky in Chinese belief systems.