Airport Veracruz
Airport, Veracruz. Final year project.
Unit 11 field trip to Mexico.
Each student of Unit 11 were given a building project, eg airport, post office etc to design/create for the city of Veracruz.
Site Plan
Airport approach
Airport Plan
Airport Piazza and Terminals
These 12 buildings once grafted into the existing fabric of the city would relate with each other across the cityscape as a layer or network connecting the unit's interpretation of Mexico discovered and experienced. The Unit 11 members also had to select the site for their individual projects in Veracruz.
Tim was given “The Airport” for Veracruz.
The Bar
Dancing the light fantastic
Through his research into Mexico prior to arriving, with reading and study, an "image" was generated as "Mexico imagined”. The experience of Mexico by traveling through it provided the “Mexico experienced”. Returning to London both imagined and experienced combined into “Remembered” and so fused as a hybrid in the memory.
From this process the Airport design developed.
Part of the recording process was super 8 black and white movie.
Whilst in Veracruz’s main square a program of folklorico and traditional dance and music was being performed. This presentation was filmed in black and white super 8mm.
From these film recordings a great number of photographic stills were produced.
From these a selection were then identified as the most inspiring compositions to produce the foundations for the Airport Visions.
These stills produced the A3 black and white transparencies that were the foundation plates for each vision developed.
The Bar, the singer and the accordion man
The idea was to create a series of visions inspired by the selected images of the dancers and from them the Airport emerged from their "frozen" movement as if seen through the “mescal’ated” eyes of the traveller (reference to Malcolm Lowery’s book “Under the Volcano”).
These visions were to be “snap shots” of the Airport from approach in the skies, to landing and the spaces of the Airport- the plaza and bar.
These completed images projected the Airport design through the experience of the place and spaces through visions of them and the journey and storey.
Visions inspired and founded by folklorico music and dance through the medium of film.
Terminal and apron
Cargo and freight